Tips Tuesday
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Tuesday’s Tip: Eat More Broccoli!

Broccoli is one of those veggies you either love or hate.  But, if you are a hater, today’s tip may make you love it.  Scientists have found that broccoli helps protecting our bodies from air pollution, along with preventing heart disease, repairing skin damage, improving eye health, fighting colds, and keeping blood sugar levels low!  Cancer Prevention Research published the study that goes further into detail by claiming that broccoli compounds help flush out the carcinogen benzene through our urine!  You can read more at:

My favorite way of serving is steaming the broccoli in the microwave for about 4 minutes to just get the bite of the broccoli.  Then I top with garlic salt and pepper or serve squeeze half of a lemon over the top.

Stay hungry…

This entry was posted in: Tips Tuesday


Whether it was baking cookies for the holidays with my mom, preparing the stuffing for Thanksgiving with my Mema, cooking a meal for my friends, or dining out with my family, food has been in every significant memory of mine. I am not a trained culinary professional, nor am I trying to be one. I created this blog as an outlet for me to share my favorite recipes, restaurants, and anything else I feel blog worthy. Cheers to happy reading and happy chews.

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