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Meatless Monday: Pumpkin Pie Breakfast Bake

I am always trying to find new ways to incorporate my leftover pumpkin puree in recipes.  I found this recipe on Huffington Post‘s roundup of the best recipes you can make with pumpkin puree.  Since making it the first time, I have made it almost every week and it has become a fall staple in my kitchen.  I hope you give the below recipe a try, as it would be a perfect breakfast to warm your guests up with over the Thanksgiving holiday.

1/4 C pumpkin puree

1/4 C apple sauce

1 egg and 1 egg white

1 TBSP almond flour

2 TBSP coconut flour

1 TBSP raisins (I added a few more to the top of the mixture)

1 tsp flax seeds

1 tsp honey

1/2 tsp cinnamon

Pinch of salt

Cooking spray

Preheat oven to 350

Pumpkin Pie Breakfast Bake Ingredients

Pumpkin Pie Breakfast Bake Ingredients

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix together

Ingredients being mixed

Ingredients being mixed

Spray baking dish with cooking spray and pour in mixture

Top with raisins

Pumpkin Pie Breakfast Bake ready to go into the oven!

Breakfast Bake ready to go into the oven!

Bake in oven for about 25 minutes, or until cake tester comes out clean

Let cool and serve

Pumpkin Pie Breakfast Bake!

Pumpkin Pie Breakfast Bake!


Stay hungry…

This entry was posted in: Archives


Whether it was baking cookies for the holidays with my mom, preparing the stuffing for Thanksgiving with my Mema, cooking a meal for my friends, or dining out with my family, food has been in every significant memory of mine. I am not a trained culinary professional, nor am I trying to be one. I created this blog as an outlet for me to share my favorite recipes, restaurants, and anything else I feel blog worthy. Cheers to happy reading and happy chews.

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