Archives, Restaurants, Tips Tuesday
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Tuesday’s Tip: For the Procrastinators of Valentine’s Day

For those of you who have high hopes of cooking dinner at home or dining at restaurant this Valentine’s Day, these may not come to fruition.  You may have overachieved with the dinner and ended up burning it or being too stressed to pull it together at the last minute.  For those who want to dine out on this night, you may have forgotten that according to the National Restaurant Association, Valentine’s Day is the busiest day of the year for restaurants, known as the Super Bowl of dining-out days, and not made a reservation.  So, today’s tip for you procrastinators, is to use a new waitlisting app for casual-dining restaurants that DON’T take reservations, called NoWait.

NoWait is a free mobile app that provides real-time information on wait times in your area, enabling diners to get in line remotely from their mobile phone, and simply show up precisely when their table is ready. Procrastinators, rejoice. Unlike OpenTable that focuses only on the 50K reservation-only higher-end restaurants in the U.S., NoWait targets the 250K underserved non-reservation, casual-dining ones.  Perfect for guys or gals that forgot to plan ahead for February 14th.

NoWait is now available in all 50 states, and seats more than 10 million diners every month through its restaurants.  The app is currently used in thousands of restaurants across the U.S., including major national and popular independents, and is available for download in Google Play and on iTunes!

FACT: Americans spend roughly 37 billion hours each year waiting in line, which equates to you waiting in line for six straight months over your lifetime!!!

NoWait Logo

NoWait Logo


Stay hungry…

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