All posts tagged: Brussels Sprouts

Meatless Monday: Kalettes

My new favorite veggie that I can’t stop roasting is kalettes.  If you haven’t heard of 2015’s favorite veggie, it is a mix between kale and brussels sprouts, and tastes just like them.  The outer leaves taste just like crisp kale and the inner “heart” tastes just like a meaty brussels sprout.  Kalettes, are the brain-child of the British vegetable seed house Tozer Seeds, and took 15 years to perfect.  The veggie is non-GMO and was developed through traditional hybridization and not genetic modification.  Read and follow the below roasting recipe for the perfect side dish to serve at your St. Patrick’s Day festivity! 1/2 bunch of kale Bag of kalettes 2 Cups brussels sprouts Olive Oil and Olive Oil Spray Salt, Pepper, and other spices of choice (I used turmeric) Preheat oven to 375 Rip kale from stems Clean and cut brussels sprouts in 1/2 Lay kalettes, and brussels sprouts on tin foil line rimmed baking dish Drizzle olive oil over kalettes and brussels sprouts Sprinkle seasoning on kalettes and brussels sprouts and toss with hands …

Meatless Monday: Brussels Sprout Ginger Slaw

Today’s recipe was first served as a side dish at my family’s dinner party over the holiday season.  It was a festive dish with the red and green color, but light, refreshing, and healthy for the holiday season.  I have made it numerous times since the holidays, thus becoming a staple slaw or salad in my kitchen.  You can serve as a side dish, or top with grilled shrimp, chicken, or white fish.  I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do! 1/2 Cup plus 2 TBSP Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt 1/2 Cup EVOO 3 TBSP Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar 1 TBSP Honey 2 TBSP Very Finely Grated Peeled Fresh Ginger 1/2 Pound Brussels Sprouts, Finely Shredded 1 Head Radicchio, chopped Seeds of 1 Pomegranate Salt and Pepper (2 pinches of each) In a small bowl, whisk the yogurt with olive oil, vinegar, ginger, honey salt, and pepper In a large bowl, combine brussels sprouts and chopped radicchio Pour dressing on veggies and toss to coat Season with salt and pepper Let sit …

Brussels Sprouts and Butternut Squash Side Dish

Today’s recipe is a perfect side dish to serve this holiday season.  It has beautiful colors, is healthy, and is the perfect amount of sweet and tang.  Follow the recipe below! 1 Butternut Squash or Sweet Potato Shredded Brussels Sprouts (1 bag or 2 cups halved Brussels Sprouts) 2 Cups Kale (optional) EVOO Salt, Pepper, Garlic Salt, and Onion Powder 2 TBSP EVOO 2 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar Juice of 1/2 Lemon 1 TBSP Mustard Pomegranate Seeds to garnish (I suggest buying a Pomegranate and deseeding it–use my technique HERE.  Sometimes I feel the box of seeds contain bacteria!) Preheat oven to 375 Cube butternut squash Toss butternhut squash with EVOO, Salt, Pepper, Garlic Salt, and Onion Powder Roast butternut squash Toss Brussels sprouts with EVOO, Salt, Pepper, Garlic Salt, and Onion Powder After 30 minutes, add Brussels sprouts Roast for another 20 minutes, or until sweet potato and sprouts are tender Whisk together EVOO, apple cider vinegar, mustard, and juice of 1/2 lemon Add kale to mixture (if using) When sprouts and sweet potato are room temperature, toss with …

Side Dishes To Give Thanks For!

Today’s recipes are two great non-traditional side dishes for your Thanksgiving dinner.  First up is a cranberry and pecan brussels sprouts recipe that I have made over and over since the first time I made it.  This recipe is the perfect amount of tangy, sweet, and healthy!  Next up is a Parmesan cauliflower gratin I first made in a vegetarian Thanksgiving cooking class at Spork Foods in LA.  I wanted to try a non-vegetarian version and I succeeded the first time I tried.  The brussels sprouts dish is a great green veggie side dish and the cauliflower gratin is a great addition or substitute for the heavy mashed potatoes.  Follow the recipes below for two great side dishes to accompany your turkey on turkey day! Cranberry and Pecan Brussels Sprouts 1 pound brussels sprouts (1 1/2 – 2 if not using barley) 2/3 cup fresh cranberries 1/3 cup gorgonzola or bleu cheese, crumbled 1/3 cup pecans 1 tablespoon honey 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar EVOO Salt and pepper to taste Destem and halve brussels sprouts Heat …

Apple Cider Pork with Applesauce and Veggies

I am really into the fall season and made another season-appropriate meal for you today!  Today’s menu consists of an apple cider pork tenderloin and roasted Brussels sprouts and sweet potatoes.  Believe me, you will want to make the entire meal a lot this season, but you will be able to make the apple cider reduction for everything!  Follow the recipe below and enjoy! Preheat oven to 350 1 Cup Brussels Sprouts 1 Small Sweet Potato or 1/2 Large Sweet Potato Juice of 1 Large Apple (I used Granny Smith) 1/2 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar 1/4 Cup White Wine 3 Pieces of Sliced Pork Tenderloin Rosemary, Garlic Salt, Onion Powder, Pepper, and Paprika to season Cooking spray and/or olive oil Combine Apple Juice, Apple Cider Vinegar, and White Wine on stove Once boiling, reduce to a simmer on stove while dicing sweet potato Spray cookie sheet lined with tin foil and place diced sweet potato on cookie sheet Spray or drizzle olive oil sweet potato and season with garlic salt, onion powder, and pepper to …

Meatless Monday-Whole Foods Salad

I love going to Whole Foods to get prepared food when I don’t have time to cook, but it can definitely get expensive.  So, today I am giving you the recipe I made up for my favorite salad from Whole Foods. 1 Cup Brussels Sprouts 1/2 Cup Red Cabbage 2 Cups Kale, Shredded 3 TBSP Vinegar (I used 1 TBSP apple cider and 2 TBSP Balsamic) 2 TBSP Lemon Juice 1/4 Cup Toasted Slivered Almonds 1/4 Cup Craisins Salt, Pepper, Onion Powder, Garlic Salt to taste Cut brussels sprouts into slivers as tiny as possible, and combine all ingredients in large bowl.  Refrigerate for 1 hour to let the ingredients combine. Serve as a side dish or main meal! Stay hungry…

Saint Patrick’s Day Dinner!

I love corned beef and cabbage and get really excited to eat it on Saint Patrick’s Day.  Most people think it is very difficult to make, but it is very easy!  Follow the directions below for an amazing Saint Patrick’s Day dinner, including cabbage, carrots, and brussels sprouts.  Come back next week when I give you a few recipes on how to serve your corned beef different ways. Easy Corned Beef and Cabbage: 3 Pounds Pre-Seasoned Corned Beef 1 Head of Cabbage Bring a 3-quart pot of water (2/3 full) to a boil Add corned beef and bring to boil Once boiling, turn to low and let corned beef simmer on low covered for 3 hours (you can also use your crock pot and turn on low for 8 hours) After 3 hours, take corned beef out to rest and bring water to boil After water boils, reduce and add cabbage Simmer on low covered for 20 minutes Drain cabbage and slice to serve Cut corned beef in thin slices and serve Roasted Brussels Sprouts …