All posts tagged: Poptails

Poptails-Frozen Cocktails on a Stick

I received the Poptails recipe book in the mail this week and was very excited!  Erin Nichols has created a one-of-a-kind book that features 60 of our favorite cocktails in frozen-on-a-stick form.  Her categories include colorful cocktails, tropical treats, classic cocktails, fizzies and wine, fruity refreshers, party drinks, pudding and cream, and dessert on a stick.  I am giving you the opportunity to decide for me which Poptail I should make first!  One cocktail from each category is represented below.  Vote on your favorite or the one that sounds the tastiest! Like Erin Nichols on Facebook HERE! Follow Erin Nichols on Twitter HERE! Like NewsforChews on Facebook HERE! Follow NewsforChews on Twitter HERE! Stay hungry…or in this case, stay thirsty!