Appetizer, Archives, Misc., Quick Recipe, Tips Tuesday
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Tuesday’s Tip-Pep Up Your Popcorn!

Today’s post (NUMBER 200!!!) is an ode to my mother’s favorite food…popcorn!  An easy-to-make, snack for your Superbowl party is popcorn!  But, don’t just pop the popcorn and leave it at that…pep your popcorn up by adding different spices and toppings.  You can add cayenne pepper for a kick, grated Parmesan cheese that melts into the hot popcorn, or different salts such as garlic salt and Truffle salt.  Make a sign for each of your pepped up popcorn and watch as your guests devour the snack!

Take the below poll to tell me which pepped up popcorn you would try first! 

Stay hungry…


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