All posts filed under: Quick Recipe

Thirsty Thursday: Raspberry Smoothie!

Today marks day four of my 9 ingredient, 5 recipe challenge.  So, far I hope you have been enjoying the recipes!  But, if you haven’t been keeping up, here are the nine ingredients and measurements you need for this week’s 5 recipes: 1 Large Sweet potato 3 Cups Uncooked Quinoa (we will be making it two ways!) 1 Bunch of Dinosaur Kale 1 1/4 Cup Greek Yogurt 6 TBSP Parmesan Cheese 2 Chicken Breasts 1 Package Raspberries 1 1/2 Cup Milk 1/2 Cup Peanut Butter Today’s recipe is a delicious, simple 4 ingredient recipe. 1 cup almond milk 1 cup frozen raspberries 1/2 cup Greek Yogurt 2 Tablespoons honey Pour all ingredients into a blender Blend until smooth Pour into a cup and top with a raspberry Come back tomorrow for the finish of my 9 ingredients, 5 recipes week.  I’ll even give you a little teaser…a raw peanut butter dessert! Stay thirsty…

Tuesday’s Tip: Overnight Quinoa for a Quick Breakfast

If you didn’t join us yesterday, this week’s posts are all about recipes using 9 ingredients.  These ingredients, all of which are prepped one day, make 5 recipes that only take 2-15 minutes to put together during the week.  Each ingredient will be used at least two times.  The nine ingredients are: 1 Large Sweet potato 3 Cups Uncooked Quinoa (we will be making it two ways!) 1 Bunch of Dinosaur Kale 1 1/4 Cup Greek Yogurt 6 TBSP Parmesan Cheese 2 Chicken Breasts 1 Package Raspberries 1 1/2 Cup Milk 1/2 Cup Peanut Butter (check out which ingredients you need to prep and yesterday’s recipe which was a twice baked stuffed sweet potato: Today’s tip is a quick overnight breakfast quinoa that you make the night before and let the refrigerator do all the work.  It is an easy pour, stir, refrigerate, let the flavors blend together, pour into a bowl, and enjoy.  Below are the ingredients and measurements you need for this recipe. 1 cup cooked quinoa 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk 1/4 cup nonfat Greek …

Thirsty Thursday: Matcha Smoothie

It’s been awhile since I have done a Thirsty Thursday post that was non-alcoholic.  So, I figured it was about time to do one!  I’ve been trying to be a bit healthier as of late and not drink as much (not evident by the Thirsty Thursday posts!) because in a few short weeks I am running the Los Angeles Marathon!!  It is my first time running a full marathon, so in the last month and especially these last few weeks I need to take care of my body.  A few times post-long run I was not hungry (you would think the opposite, right), would not eat, and literally had to lay in the fetal position because I didn’t feel well.  So, this past weekend after my last 20 miler (yay!) before the marathon, I made the below smoothie and didn’t feel sick!  I packed it with electrolytes, potassium, and is one of the best smoothies I have ever made!  I hope you give this delicious smoothie a try as well! 1 cup Coconut Water 1 Banana, frozen 3 TBSP Matcha …

Thirsty Thursday Valentine’s Day Cocktails and World Nutella Day!!

Today is a combination of one of two of my favorite days…thirsty Thursday and World Nutella Day!!!  No, I didn’t combine the two for today’s recipes, but I did bring a no-bake Nutella Fudge recipe to the blog and a bunch of delicious Valentine’s Day cocktails!  You should even put the Nutella Fudge on the menu for your Valentine’s Day because it will surely be a hit it your Valentine likes Nutella! Nutella Fudge: 1/2 cup virgin coconut oil 1/4 cup Nutella 1/2 cup cocoa powder (or raw cacao powder) 1/4 cup pure maple syrup (or agave nectar) 1/4 honey 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract pinch fine grain sea salt, to taste 3/4 cup raw hazelnuts, roughly chopped; 1/4 for garnish on top, the rest to be stirred into fudge (previous recipe using almond butter and walnuts HERE) Place all ingredients in a bowl and stir until combined Line a meatloaf pan with wax paper and pour fudge into pan Top with leftover hazelnuts Place in freezer for about an hour until fudge hardens Slice and enjoy!  If you aren’t …

Tuesday’s Tip: Make your own Hummus Flavors

Another great dip/appetizer for your Super Bowl party is hummus.  I gave you a delicious homemade recipe HERE, but it was an original hummus recipe.  Don’t forget that you can add flavors of your choice to the recipe.  When you add the ingredients to the blender, add the extra ingredient(s) of your choice (this may mean having to add a bit more oil, depending on which ingredients you add).  Some examples would be basil, roasted red peppers, artichokes, extra lemon, olives, sun dried tomato, Sriracha, pine nuts, rosemary, thyme, or others!  You can even blend the original recipe but use half chick peas and half other types of beans, such as black beans, white beans, or even edamame.  Get creative and let me know what your favorite flavor hummus is in the comments below! Coming later this week are the main entree, a drink, and desserts to serve at your Super Bowl party! Stay hungry…

Super Bowl Eats: Bacon Wrapped Dates

With the teams set for Super Bowl XLIX (49) and deflate-gate raging on, you have a little over a week to start planning your Super Bowl party!  Today’s recipe’s name is longer than the ingredients!  There are 3 ingredients and the recipe goes like this:  cut date, stuff date, wrap date, bake date, eat date.  As easy as that!!  But, I thought you would want pictures as well, so here goes! Pitted Dates (number of choice) Small, 3/4 inch long cubes of Parmesan Cheese Bacon-1/2 slice per date Toothpicks or grilling skewers, cut in half Place 2 pieces of paper towel on plate, add bacon, top with another paper towel, then heat bacon for 1 minute in microwave Bacon should be translucent, but not brown (may have to do in multiple batches) Slice date in half Stuff date with cheese Roll cooled bacon around dates and secure with toothpick or skewer At this point, I chill the dates for about an hour because I do not like cooking the skewers Preheat oven to 375 After an hour, remove skewers …

Thirsty Thursday: Pumpkin Smoothie

Last week I opened a jar of Libby’s Pumpkin Puree and have been trying to find different uses for the puree.  I could not wait to tell you about today’s Thirsty Thursday Pumpkin Smoothie because it is one of the best smoothies I have EVER made!  One that keeps you satisfied long with a perfect taste and the right consistency.  Follow the recipe below for your perfect pumpkin smoothie! 1 Cup Libby’s Pumpkin Puree Handful of baby carrots (or 1 large) 1 inch piece of ginger, grated Juice of 1 Orange 1/2 Apple, cubed 5 Ice Cubes 2 TSP Vanilla 1 TSP Cinnamon Optional:  Vanilla Protein Powder Blend all ingredients together (I start with the hardest [ice], then work my way to the softest) Pour into glass and enjoy! Do you have any uses for Libby’s Pumpkin Puree that you want to share?  Email me at or leave a comment below! Stay thirsty…

Overnight Oats

When I am pressed for time in the morning, or want to sleep in a few extra minutes, I make today’s breakfast to cut down on the preparation time.  It is a simple and easy overnight oats that can be made a lot of different ways.  But, the basis of the recipe is to simply stir together the below ingredients, let sit overnight in the fridge, and enjoy in the morning. 1/3 Cup Milk (I used almond) 1/3 Cup Oats 1 TBSP Chia Seeds (optional) Spices to taste.  I used cinnamon, vanilla, and nutmeg The ratio of milk to oats is 1:1, so if you would like to make more or less, just adjust each of these measurements Stir together all ingredients and place in a container that can be sealed Seal container and place in fridge overnight (at least 7 hours) In morning, add more spices and/or toppings of choice This recipe can be endless.  You can add cocoa powder, flax seed or oil, chia seeds, nuts, etc!  If you have made an overnight …

Thirsty Thursday: Sparkling Hibiscus Tea

I have been seeing hibiscus tea everywhere!  From blogs, to instagrams, to restaurants, and in magazines.  I have two go-to restaurants in LA that have great hibiscus teas–one being Le Pain Quotidien.  I love this version because it is a sparkling.  So, of course I had to make it at home.  This simple recipe has 4 ingredients–tea, mint, club soda, and ice.  Steep the tea in water (double the amount of tea) and place in fridge to cool with mint.  Once tea is cool, add sparkling water, ice, and enjoy! P.S.  Los Angeles, don’t forget that this weekend is LA Food and Wine!  Get your tickets HERE. Stay thirsty!

Baked Pimento Cheese Dip

I am very sorry that I haven’t posted in such a long time!  I have been off traveling, having fun, and haven’t been able to commit to NewsforChews as much as I would have liked.  But, I am now back and dedicated to posting!  While I was away, there were a few bachelorettes, weddings, dinner parties, and of course birthdays.  One of my favorite recipes (and crowd’s favorite) that I made for a friend’s birthday was a baked pimento cheese dip.  If you aren’t familiar with pimento, it is a type of sweet chili pepper.  This dip is very common in the south and I was first introduced to it when I was in South Carolina.  It has easily become my favorite dip to eat, and also bake.  Follow Southern Living‘s recipe below for a a simple seven ingredient dump, stir, bake, and enjoy recipe! 1 3/4 cup mayo (I used 3/4 may and 1 cup Greek Yogurt) 1 (4 ounce) jar diced pimento, drained 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce 1 tsp finely grated onion (I used 1/2 tsp onion powder) 1/4 tsp ground red …